How many in the mainstream media, politics and hollywood told us that the vaccinated were the problem and “nobody is safe until everyone is safe”?
Were any of these claims ever true?
Watch this video:
If you’re unvaccinated, you’re the problem
This argument was really started by Anthony Fauci as the inverse: “If you’re vaccinated, you’re protected.” (see video here)
Let’s break down and consider the moving feast that is that statement.
First, to be considered fully ‘vaccinated’ in late 2020 and early 2021 you were initially required to take two jabs (see Matt Hancock here). That changed in late 2021 and the new definition for fully ‘vaccinated’ required you to also get a booster dose (see Sajid Javid here). More recently, fully ‘vaccinated’ also required an updated or bivalent booster dose (here).
Second, what does ‘protected’ mean in that statement? Fauci told us masks were effective protection, and even said wearing two masks was ‘common sense’. However, given that he went on to tell us that the vaccine gave us such an incredibly high degree of protection that vulnerable people no longer needed to wear a mask once they were jabbed, we are open to infer at the time that ‘protected’ meant that if we were vaccinated, we would not contract the virus.
Even the World Health Organisation (WHO), those UN-operated independent bastions of truth, categorically ruled out breakthrough infections after Covid-19 vaccination as ‘rare’. So, after telling us many times that if we were vaccinated we were safe, and in mid-May 2021 that vaccinated people were ‘dead ends’ for the virus because the having the vaccine meant they could not go on to infect others, it was surprising in late July 2021 to see Fauci during an interview on NPRs All Things Considered saying it was “unlikely that a vaccinated person who had a breakthrough infection would transmit it to someone else” while being interviewed about the large number of vaccinated people described in the media as an ‘outbreak on Cape Cod’ transmitting Covid-19 amongst themselves and others. He went on to admit that not only does the vaccine not protect vaccinated people from catching covid and thus have a breakthrough infection, but also that it fails to protect them from transmitting that infection to someone else.
It seems that in only nine weeks the vaccine had gone from an absolute barrier preventing infection and transmission - a ‘dead end’ as Fauci described it - to something that could prevent neither infection or transmission.
So, the definitions of ‘vaccinated’ and ‘protected’ were both moving feasts. For brevity’s sake I leave aside that: (i) we now have people being told to get their fourth and fifth boosters; and (ii) that at various points the vaccine’s purpose shifted from protection against infection and transmission to protection against severe infection and death, and eventually onto the less tangible protection against hospitalisation. It also ignores the fact that arguably the data says it does none of these things. Given this, how can it have ever been true that if you’re unvaccinated, you’re the problem? It would seem that there was little difference between being vaccinated and being unvaccinated where Covid-19 infection and transmission was concerned.
Nobody is safe until everybody is safe
That brings us back to nobody is safe until everyone is safe.
Ostensibly, the meaning behind this mantra preached by everyone from the President of the United States down to commentators on late night tv was that the vaccine would not protect us from Covid-19 until we had all received it. It could also be inferred as: this medicine is the first in history that doesn’t begin to work for you until everyone else has had it.
Given what we have seen of the shifting goal posts of what it meant to be ‘fully vaccinated’ and ‘protected’, everyone who chanted along with this mantra has blood on their hands for anyone and everyone who has died (e.g: here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here)1 or suffer some form of adverse event from the injection.
I think it could more correctly be said that everybody was safe until we were told time and time again that nobody was safe.
As a final aside it is interesting to note just how many of the politicians and personalities who made incredible and incredulous claims while insulting and nudging you to get the vaccine, are also the ones who are virtue signalling and flagwaving for whatever happens to be the latest thing. Here are but three examples from an absolute cornucopia of virtue signalling attention whores:
First, Sean Penn. You see Penn in the video at about 1:50. When the vaccine was the mainstream media talking point he was more than happy to provide sensationalised sound bites likening being unvaccinated to “pointing a gun in somebody’s face”. When the mainstream media shifted to discussions about the supposedly fraught situation in the Ukraine, Penn was there to provide soundbites and quotes laying shame at the feet of the US government for not gifting expensive and dangerous military weapons and supplies sooner, and making a documentary aggrandising Ukrainian puppet-president and pervert, Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Given Zelenskiy’s predilection for womens clothing and high-heeled shoes Penn’s involvement with him was surprising. Prior to Penn’s trip to Ukraine he had been quoted in an interview for The Independant as saying that “cowardly genes” led men to become feminised, which resulted in them “surrendering their jeans and putting on a skirt”. Leaving aside his flagrant virtue signalling and grandstanding while he was in Ukraine.
Second, Bono. You see Bono at about 0:40 saying: “no one is safe.” Like Penn, Bono has been a life-long follower of whatever the latest ‘thing’ is. While telling us that Ukraine was dangerous and unsafe and being interviewed in front of a random burnt-out building, incongruently he was happy to play a concert in a train station in the capital city. His virtue signalling history has seen him provide sound bites on climate change, the education of girls, HIV/AIDS in Africa, the Ethiopian famine (Band Aid), and pretty much any and every other social justice warrior issue that has happened to dominate headlines and attention spans for more than a few seconds.
Third and finally, Gene Simmons. At 1:45 Simmons is heard calling the unvaccinated “an enemy”, as if they are people who should be shot on sight. He has spent his life flip-flopping while virtue signalling extensively on the Ukraine/Russia situation (e.g.: here, here and here), both sides of the trans, gender and identity ideologies, and many other social justice warrior issues.
The sad thing is that I could have gone on extensively here because I have a database of over 320 coronial and post mortem rulings against the covid-19 vaccines now, but you get the picture.
It's a shame the video itself did not include even some of the complete U-turns on the "vaccine stops transmission" bullshit. A few high-profile "breakthrough" cases is not a strong enough juxtaposition to that big lie. And even some of the most recent surveillance reports (from UK and Australia) clearly demonstrating that you are at substantially higher risk of being hospitalised and dying of COVID if you are "vaccinated". Not to mention the plethora of adverse effects... It's also a shame that you'd have to strap a blue pill to a chair and prop their eyelids open with sticks to make them watch it to the end...
Gotta love Matt Orfelia!