It's a shame the video itself did not include even some of the complete U-turns on the "vaccine stops transmission" bullshit. A few high-profile "breakthrough" cases is not a strong enough juxtaposition to that big lie. And even some of the most recent surveillance reports (from UK and Australia) clearly demonstrating that you are at substantially higher risk of being hospitalised and dying of COVID if you are "vaccinated". Not to mention the plethora of adverse effects... It's also a shame that you'd have to strap a blue pill to a chair and prop their eyelids open with sticks to make them watch it to the end...

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You might recall that my updated VAERS report earlier this year showed that more than half of all the VAERS reports either specifically said 'breakthrough infection' or described a breakthrough infection (infection after vaccination). Magnify that out across the whole population and you get some idea of the scope of the problem. It's like the history of smallpox Suzanne Humphries describes in Dissolving Illusions - the more you vaccinate people AGAINST the disease, the more people go on to be diagnosed WITH the disease

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Matt Orfelia works with Matt Taibbi now, I believe, hit him up on Twitter, he’ll be happy to do it, I’m sure.

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Gotta love Matt Orfelia!

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"Third and finally, Gene Simmons. At 1:45 Simmons is heard calling the unvaccinated “an enemy”"

Your terms are acceptable.

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Dyin' time is coming.

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May 27, 2023
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The employers of such people are complicit in any harm they sustained and should be held liable.

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