How do you identify the cause of a virus?
There are many theories for where disease, of which viruses are just one type of disease, comes from. For example, many ancient Greeks believed diseases were the result of morally bad behaviour and the divine wrath of a vengeful god1. These theories can be found in the writings of Hippocrates (the father of medicine) and Herodutus (the Greek philosopher and our earliest historian who travelled to Egypt and gave us the crazy notion that heiroglyphs of bushels of wheat and loaves of bread carved into the stone temples were records of how Egyptian workers were paid. Spoiler alert, they weren’t. Bushels of wheat, grains and corn were more often part of a prayer to the grain god Nepri, and even my ten year old son knows that the loaf of bread heiroglyph represents the letter T2). The underlying rationalisation for these beliefs was that your choices and actions were observed by the gods, who wrought punishment in the form of sickness upon those whose conduct was deemed not to be wholesome and righteous. As this became internalised through social evolution and we moved away from blaming invisible omniscient or omnipotent beings, the belief that your choices and actions were the underlying cause of disease remained, except that in the guilt culture that replaced divine smite disease was now believed to be the outward expression of your own internal feelings of guilt3. I think, therefore I am became the new theory of disease. Some might call that hypochondria…
But of course, we continued to evolve new knowledge and scientific understandings and now know better than our ancient ancestors…
Or do we?
Humorol theory, which also draws its roots in the writings of Hippocrates4, was further developed in the 9th and 11th Centuries and dominated through to the early 19th Century. Proponents of humoral theory believed the human body contained four essential humors (fluids): black bile, yellow or red bile, blood and phlegm. Each person had a particular humoral homeostasis or constitution, and health was defined as the proper humoral balance for that individual. The humors also referred to four psychological or emotional temperaments, in order: melancholic, choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic. You became unwell and demonstrated disease either physically or psychologically because your humors were imbalanced, and you had the power to overcome disease through adherence to the right lifestyle choices, including diet, that worked to maintain your humors in harmony5.
Next, science offered us the inanely wonderful miasma theory, which told us ‘bad air’ eminating from rotting organic matter was the cause of all disease including obesity6, and offering those of us who have studied law possibly the first case we interact with in contract law: Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.7.
While early versions of what would become germ theory have been identified in writings from the 17th Century8, and described tiny, invisible animals flying through the air and spreading disease, this idea had always been dismissed as fantastic. It took scientists like Louis Pasteur proving that decomposition indeed caused microbes and proposing investigation into whether diseases were also caused by these same microbes9, for germ theory to gain some, initially glacially slow, acceptance. After Pasteur came Semmelweis, a staunch proponent of hand washing and disinfection in medical maternity units, and Lister, who introduced surgeons to aseptic techniques through the use of surgical barriers, steralisation of tools and the air around the operating table10.
While heavily adapted and expanded to include knowledge regarding bacteria and viruses, germ theory continues to be the dominant theory of disease, and practices like Semmelweis’ hand washing and Lister’s aseptic techniques continue to be practiced today.
The Animal Theories of Covid
In my previous post I presented the four theories of Covid-19’s origin, adapted from a short 7 minute video by JJ Couey.
Over the course of the Covid-19 public nightmare we’ve seen all manner of animals named and shamed as the ‘cause’ of covid.
The cave bat theory: First there were cave bats… oh so many cave bats… (here, here and here). An origin story people like Peter Daszak loved because it allowed him to denegrate anyone who thinks Sars-CoV-2 came from a lab leak as conspiracy theorists. The cave bat theory says that corona-type viruses like MERS and SARS were found in cave bats that were caught and sold in so-called wet markets in China, and so Sars-CoV-2 likely came from cave bats as well.
The pangolin theory: Then it was the poor pangolin’s turn to be blamed. Pangolins are variously blamed as harbouring or being an intermediary for transmitting CoV diseases like SARS, so they must have been carrying, or at least involved as an intermediary, in transmission of Sars-CoV-2 to humans (here and here)…
The palm civet theory: Instead of, as an intermediatry or in addition to pangolins, some have also blamed the cute little palm civet (mentioned here and here).
The Danish mink theory: In late 2020 Denmark culled over 17 million sustainably farmed minks in response to potentially (probably) irrational fears that the ferret-like animals were the cause of Sars-CoV-2 mutations and spread of those mutations to humans. In what looked like the scientific version of post hoc ergo proctor hoc, complicated scientific papers (here), including some from researchers in completely different countries that read more like a natural history encyclopaedia and that only referred to other papers in order to blame the animal (here), arrived to support the Denmark mink theory.
The UK cat theory: In July 2020, mainstream media in the UK warned cat owners not to kiss or share a bed with their cats because cats were supposedly transmitting Sars-CoV-2 to humans. This warning is said to have come from Margaret Hosie, a veterinary disease researcher at the University of Glasgow who also got involved in human matters when she warned people to wash their hands after hugging and not to exhale on each other.
That warning led to politicians in the UK briefly considering a mandatory culling of domestic cats.
The Latest Animal Theory
I happened to trip over the latest animal theory for Covid this morning when flipping through news articles on my iPad.
The raccoon dog theory: Under the lab-leak denier subtitle “Lab Leak Who?”, headlines (here and here) over the last 24 hours have proclaimed raccon dogs as the latest animal responsible for transmitting Sars-CoV-2 to humans.
This story to me would seem to be yet another in the long line of nonsense meant to disctract and divide us. This theory posits that, whilst still arising out of the Wuhan seafood market, it was raccoon dogs that were being offered for sale for human consumption that carried covid, and transmitted it to humans. It creates division by pitting you against each other in the lab leak/animal source debate - a worthless and entirely unnecessary argument.
It really seems like we’ve returned to a previous age where it doesn’t matter what you believe, merely thinking about it causes disease. As they divide us into smaller and smaller groups that each believe a different version of the Covid-19 origin theories, we continue to believe in Covid, get jabbed and catch Covid - most often in that order. Whether Covid-19 arose from one of the many animals that so-called scientists can’t seem to agree on or a lab leak, which seems far more plausible and probable given the documentary evidence from America and China, you are meant to be distracted by all the tooing and froing and not paying attention to what your government and the globalists are doing behind the curtain.
I will repeat the conclusion from my previous post on this issue:
While our attention is being distracted by inconsequential shiny things, we are completely missing the fact that we are being divided into groups, herded together and penned up like cattle. We are most definitely being depopulated - any fact checker denying this is completely and utterly bought or is wilfully blind to the the evidence. We are being manipulated and controlled. Our children are being deliberately confused, brainwashed and sexualised. They are being manipulated into believing that the only way they can be happy is to be gay, trans, non-binary or asexual and not to question anything that they are told by teachers or the government. The globalists want to be the single source of everything in our lives - we will eat what we are told because our food will come from their labs and insect ‘factory farms’; we will live and die when they say because our health and immune systems will come regularly from their pharma companies in a syringe; we will learn and know only what they tell us because our access to information will come via their heavily censored and manipulated networks; and we will experience only what is within our local area because we will be managed within gated 15 minute cities and will need special permission and passes to move outside our small half-kilometre square community space.
If this is the type of ‘managed life’ you want. Do nothing - because it is already coming. If not, stop playing whack-a-mole with the ‘narrative of the day’ and become aware of what the man behind the curtain is really doing. Fight back.
Von Ehrenheim, H. (2019). Causal explanation of disease in the iamata of Epidauros. Kernos. Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique, (32), 101-118.
Gardiner, A. H. (1927). Egyptian grammar: being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs. Clarendon Press.
Footnote 1 at para [2].
Bujalkova, M., Straka, S., & Jureckova, A. (2001). Hippocrates' humoral pathology in nowaday's reflections. Bratislavske lekarske listy, 102(10), 489-492.
Footnote 4 at [491].
Halliday, S. (2001). Death and miasma in Victorian London: an obstinate belief. Bmj, 323(7327), 1469-1471.
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co, 2 QB 484 (QBD); EWCA Civ 1, 1 QB 256 (CA). The defendant advertised their product, the Carbolic Smoke Ball, as a preventative of miasmas that caused influenza, and offered a £1,000 reward that they claimed to have deposited in a bank, to anyone who used the product yet still caught the disease. Mrs Carlill bought and used the product as per the manufacturer’s instructions yet still caught the flu. She brought suit to recover the £1,000 which the court found her entitled to receive.
Kircher, A. (1658). Scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosae Luis seu pestis.
Schwartz, M. (2001). The life and works of Louis Pasteur. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 91(4), 597-601.
Fox, N. J. (1988). Scientific theory choice and social structure: The case of Joseph Lister's antisepsis, humoral theory and asepsis. History of Science, 26(4), 367-397.
I’ll take pangolins for $200.
I've known since 2020 that the only animal to blame for Covid is obviously Homo bureaucraticus.