The best advice: If you want to stay healthy, stay away from the medical profession.

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Yup. The leading cause of death is doctors... so a wise doctor once said.

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I have a couple of close friends and college buddies who are MD's. One of them said to me, some 25+ years ago, that one of his professors gave him this advice. "Keep this in mind. In most cases, if you don't kill them, they'll probably get better on their own."

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As a friends doctor father said many yearsago “keep away from doctors they only make you sick”

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https://www.bmj.com/content/387/bmj.q2852 Paediatric RSV 'vaccine' trial 'paused' after X5 infections.

Should be classed as parental neglect to offer your kids for a mRNA trial.

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Since I am almost 75 and relatively healthy and not using any big pharma drugs, I see no reason to ever come within 1,000 miles of any vaccine or mRNA injection as I have avoided them all for about 50 years. The modern stone age medical mafia can't top that.

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Well done. I wish I had never crossed paths with modern medicine

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Same, same.

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Interesting article.

Unfortunately, all the targeted readers’ eyes glazed over at round about line 35…

That’s what we’re really up against: Laziness and thoughtlessness - an unwillingness to focus closely or exactly upon anything at all. “Please tell us what we should think today, oh wondrous media!"

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Sadly, I don't disagree with you. Far too many people with square eyes these days.

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Here is a list, not comprehensive, of many of the yummy ingredients you'll find in this "life saving" product:

formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, yeast protein, calf serum, lactalbumin hydrolysate, formaldehyde, glutaraldhyde, yeast protein, aluminum phosphate, bovine serum albumin, glutaraldehyde, MRC-5 cellular protein, polymyxin B sulfate, 2-phenoxyethanol, Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, amino acids, dextrose, hemin chloride, mineral salts, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, potassium aluminum sulfate, sodium borate, soy peptone, yeast protein, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, non-viral protein, DNA, bovine albumin, monobasic potassium phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium, taurodeoxycholate, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, betapropiolactone, hydrocortisone, thimerosal, sodium chloride, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, polysorbate 20, baculovirus, Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins, baculovirus and cellular DNA, Triton X-100, Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein, phosphate buffered saline, MDCK cell DNA, cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide, β-propiolactone, ovalbumin, dextran, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium potassium, magnesium sulfate, ferric (III) nitrate, sodium pyruvate, D-glucose, concentrated vitamin solution, L-cystine, L-tyrosine, amino acids, L-glutamine, calcium chloride, sodium hydrogenocarbonate, and phenol red, sorbitol, Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) and more....

Not to mention the various metal contaminants identified in many vaccines including platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, chromium, zirconium, hafnium, strontium, tungsten, antimony, bismuth and cerium.

Anyone really want to put this crap into their bodies?

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And a lot of the processed commestibles they try and pass off as "food" these days have similar laundry lists of chemicals that in any other setting would be classed as toxic and carcinogenic

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Thank you SO much for this excellent and detailed post! I'm just about to pass this on to some family members, and will hope they trouble to read, think about and look into the matter, and save themselves some grief.

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Let me know how you get on. Thanks!

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I hope your family member has an open mind and allows some of this to filter through.

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I informed one pro vaxxer family member that a number of healthy fit friends took the death shots... and they have severe heart damage

I was told - we have all been boosted and are fine - I am not interested - stop sending me this sort of nonsense....

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I get the same Eddy! It is very disheartening! And quite ironic actually that they think a friend or family member who loves them would want to kill them and the government that they gripe about, is loving them and looking out for them… i said so to my sis in law and she replied she was so scared of getting a really bad cold that she took another one. All my words and studies and data cited and first hand knowledge of deaths in our small circle falling on deaf ears, including the experience of her son who had a stroke after his shots. This past summer i was hopeful that she would quit, as she conceded that the stroke likely had been caused by the jabs, yet she still went ahead and had her booster shot. It is so hard for the believers to let go of fear AND of the fairy tale of S&E they’ve been told.

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My brother's business partner took the shots -- and was hospitalized for blood clots in her lungs... she 100% knows the shots caused this ... since then she is barely able to leave the house because of shortness of breathe (2+ years now!)

My brother told me that she was considering getting boosters because she still believes the risks from Covid are more severe than the side effects of the shots...

I am not sure what she ultimately decided

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It really leaves you quite helpless doesn’t it. What more can you say or do. 😢

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I've said nothing to anyone since that ...

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I am in the same boat. I have family who even when they see that the covid jabs may have been bad (their words), they still don't believe that translates to other vaccines or medicines. They blame politicians, tv people, the rush to cure covid or anything else rather than seeing that the covid jabs are just yet another example of a poor quality toxic medicine rushed to market with falsified and cherrypicked research. The more they see that contradicts their vaccines are great world view the more they clam up and refuse to talk about it...

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I convinced my eldest sis, who stopped after the boosters, and a friend who also saw some light. And I keep telling these what I see and read, e.g. the enormous uptick in ambulance rides! But not anymore to hubby’s family who more or less shut him up. Ever so grateful that i married a non-conforming individualist! I guess sort does seek sort!

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I had not thought much about vaccines until the covid-19 era and realised early on that the pandemic was really an illusion of inappropriate testing. Even if some people were becoming ill they were denied effective treatments (like hydroxychoroquine with zinc or ivermectin) and given damaging treatment (like sedated intubation and remdesivir). Then I too read Dissolving Illusions and Turtles All the Way Down, and researched The Gentleman's Magazine that I found quite an interesting insight into the times when it was written. In my mind Jenner had been the founder of life-saving vaccines. Then as I read the details I realised he had no bio-lab to assess what he was giving to people so from that unscrupulous experiment on the boy we really have no idea what the boy’s continuing health was due to. We and our antecedents have been evolving along with pathogens for many millions of years and have become fine-tuned to deal with them if initially in good health. The mRNA/DNA vaccines are really pathogens.

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Jan 5Edited

Fantastic post! Thank you. I have printed a copy for my vaccine library I am creating to prove to my children, when they finally start questioning, that I am not crazy!

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Good luck with your kids!

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Fauci's "vaccine" killed my beautiful, brilliant son, who was training to be a rocket scientist (literally). My son believed Fauci's propaganda and took the "vaccine" in 2021, even though he was 20 years old and had essentially no risk of death from COVID-19. A radical transformation soon followed. A well-adjusted, sanguine, normal youth, my dear boy soon started painting his fingernails black, piercing himself, threatening to blow his brains out, etc. He struggled for three years and finally committed suicide. The "vaccine" destroyed his ability to use his magnificent brain, like a race car stuck in neutral, or a rocket without any fuel. He couldn't take the suffering and loss of function anymore. The judgment for Fauci will come, either in this life or after death.

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The thing is ... if I send this to pro vaxxer friends and family ... they will get angry .... and tell me to stop sending them rubbish...

So I will not bother to send it to them

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Likewise…… it doesn’t take long to discover that the provax lobby ( and I include everyone regardless of how high they are on the academic ladder) are the thickest and most ignorant people on planet earth regarding the subject. Those in that group who do actually know what is happening, but continue to push them, are gutless, zero morals and evil cowards of the highest order!!

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Vaccines have saved ZERO lives and killed or injured multi millions.

The germ theory of disease is complete bollocks rendering the use of these snakeoils pointless!!

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...which is what Antoine Bechamp was saying in the 1800s but not being listened to....even to this day!

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They're poison and never been anything but poison. But accepting this implies breaking down one's worldview and your regular normie would rather die than give up life in the matrix.

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Exactly, and "life in the matrix" is where we have all been forced to live in since the adoption of the false paradigm of allopathic medicine based on lies, deception and false science; it was about power, influence, monetary gain, ego and human hubris since the time of Pasteur and has never let up to this day.

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plus ça change...

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The only challenge with a life estate contract is when do you sneak in the substitute of the mother with the look-alike daughter. I would say in the 65-85 years range. With the world record-holder, my guess is that they sneaked in the grand-daughter, as well.

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If I recall the previous year's winner of the Ignobel prize was for work done on centenarians or very long-lived people. He found that in the vast majority of cases there simply weren't any birth records and they'd actually forgotten when they were born. So while they may have said they were, like, 105 or 110 or whatever, they were more like 80 or 90. And yes, I think he also mentioned fraud as well. So I'm right with you on that one.

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Brilliant post. I too have read 'dissolving illusions'. In another corner of substack I asked Roman Bystrianik if there ever was or ever will be a 'vacccine' against respiratory illnesses.

I think I can predict the answer, but it would ne nice to have an articulate explanation.

Of course when flu jabs are pointless (at best), it pulls the rug under the feet of some good money making pharmaceutical companies.

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