I have a problem with the claim that vaccines have helped those who were high risk. High-risk people typically have immunosenescence, which makes their risk high. With immunosenescence, how will the immune response be safe or effective?
I honestly think it possible that Dr Malhotra was making some concession to those of the 'other side' that have programmed much of the public to believe that the vaccines are doing things the data shows they simply are not doing - preventing transmission and infection. The work we did on my first VAERS cohort analysis (the 2021 cohort) demonstrated that it was more likely the vaccines were causing harm to the vulnerable and high risk elderly population. However, that is not an 'acceptable opinion' to hold based on the mainstream media narrative... and as such, anyone opining it even when the science shows them to be on solid ground can expect retributory attacks from the vaccine-as-a-religion crowd that includes those in iSAGE like the names I listed in the article. I (and others in our group, including Prof Fenton) was attacked by several of them, who used their footsoldiers (basically groupies on Twitter and other platforms) to create false reports to my employer and harass me in other ways. Their intention is to protect the fiefdoms they have created with their funders (Gates, Wellcome, The Pharma Cos and others) and to ensure that those of us doing science on the other side have our ability to work and draw an income compromised. They also seek to warn off others who might also consider undertaking such work or expressing such opinions. The damage done was significant even though, in the end, the claims made against me were eventually dismissed.
Dr. Malhotra should indicate uncertainty if he thinks that there is controversy about a subject, shouldn't he? Even if he is catering to the jab cultists?
I'm glad that Prof. Fenton is taking a scientific stand.
We also have a much worse problem coming in: the vax teaches people's immune systems to tolerate respiratory viruses, even while it is damaging their body.
And I'm very sorry, but you're completely and totally wrong in your analysis. You lump socialism and communism with fascism in this weird gobbledygook that makes no sense. There is no communism. There never was and there never will be. It's a fantasy. What there is is a global woke fascist technocratic corporatocracy disguising itself as well-meaning liberalism. Only the most gullible sheep will believe it. We are lost. Anyway, good article, but a profound lack of understanding of the methods and ends of globalism.
You mean afterwards he sold out or became a coward?
Or he just spoke in a more tactical way when dealing with the useless lowly herd?
And by the way, CDC stats show that the age cutoff was much higher than 50. It also showed most covid mortality and morbidity was in fact already in the pipeline and cov2 was just the "cold virus" acting as a "last drop"
What is telling is that they show immediate fury and indignation for anything that goes against their beliefs, be it accurate or otherwise, but seem to have been strangely silent when clear misinformation goes in the other direction. Where were they when '95% effective' flooded the media everywhere.? It was a non peer-reviewed industry press release based on questionable numbers and a relative risk reduction assessment that inflated the benefit and as a result, the obscene profits. Not to mention the waning of effectiveness. That misinformation likely killed many as people got the shot and falsely believed that they had become a 'dead end' for the virus, only to be passing it on. I remember people sneezing and coughing at work believing that it couldn't be covid because of their vaccinations! And I know people who died as a result of this belief.
If only these scientists had shown the same dedication and critical thinking to questioning the initial studies, industry bias and the government's early assertions then we might be in a very different place.
And that's of course the point. The people that have reacted the strongest to this interview seem to be the people that have the most to lose if their previous actions are put in the spotlight. Their funders will throw them under the bus and they'll be left having to defend highly questionable decisions and opinions.
Exactly. But now it is finally starting to result in a strange perverted Streisand Effect. Some of the more alert people are paying less attention to the things the Fact Checkers don't rise up against... and MORE attention to the things they do expend effort on refuting.
The fact is, if the Fact Checkers are speaking out about it and telling you not to believe it, there MUST be some truths in it. And the more biased iSAGE communist-led scientists they throw at fighting us, the more we know we are right on target.
Still it's very hard to believe they believe they can still convince a large majority like that.
Yes there is always a small minority of die hards who will die for their religion. Like among the Nazi's but even under their leaders there was an Albert Speer who (at least acted as if he) recognized their crimes and their immorality.
And it must be psychologically hard for them. Are they truly just pathological liars? Or did they believe all those 95% and zero covid fairy tales themselves? Was it just a day job? Are they simply unable to face the truth and are suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance?
This article posted by Joel Smalley only a couple of hours ago explains why. While people will fall into group-think quite literally 'as a group', each has to overcome their own cognitive dissonance to break free of the conditioning... and each individual takes a different amount of time and has a different trigger threshold for what will overcome the narrative... https://metatron.substack.com/p/a-short-note-on-cognitive-dissonance
Still I think that the focus should be on the lack of benefits of this mass injections experiments, because the "gold standard" RCTs don't prove any useful let alone durable benefits.
In that case "Primum non nocere" applies.
Isn't that enough to stop coerced mass vaccination?
There's then no proven benefits-risks advantage. And certainly not for the whole targeted population.
Proving causality is always a matter of probability (and interpretation) while a lack of proof of useful/durable benefits is a fact if nobody can supply such proof.
By the way the difficulty in proving causality also applies to deaths attributed to covid-19 especially as few were supported by autopsies.
Probably most covid-19 deaths were deaths of old frail people with multiple underlying conditions and close to their deaths anyway. Probably a bad cold would have killed them too.
As would bacterial co-infections and other viruses as are claimed to have re-appeared now.
And there's another clear hypocrisy in the narrative to automatically accept "covid deaths" but refuse to admit "vaccine deaths".
Excellent article, albeit weakened by the claim, twice over, of a "communist-led" organization. To use words like "communist" (or "Marxist") to describe what are essentially social-democrat left-wingers suggests a writer who is biased himself (as he appears to be trying to spread right-wing memes), and who doesn't really know what he's talking about. Moreover, exaggerations like this do the main issue, of highlighting and unmasking all the false covid and vaccine claims, a disservice, because it really is not a right-left issue. May I suggest you read The Covid Consensus by Toby Green and Thomas Fanzi? It calls itself A critique from the left," and it is as scathing about the dogmatism and censorship as you are. If we want to stop this craziness, we need to stop thinking in left-right categories.
Before this so called Pandemic was announced to the world - I say it as 'announced' because that is exactly how it was. It was created, I was abroad at the time in Thailand - mid December 2019 & mid January 2020 where lots of people were already ill with high fever, sore throat & flu like symptoms. Locals informed me they had never felt so sick& could not shake it off.
These experimental gene therapy injections are harmful & poison. Time is showing this , everything in life is 'Time'
We did not hear about all this death before the injection roll out begun. It is a result of the injection roll out that we are hearing about death in our young. The more injections you inject your body with the more likely you are going to get sick - it is by design to cause harm & death. Extremely disturbing & worrying that certain people within communities think the Governments care about them, they don't. Governments are owned , they are all puppets.
Everything is fine here except your inaccurate and unfortunate evocation of the word "communist." There are no "communists" in the elite globalist woke-ass West, ok? We need to get our terms straight. You're very good at forwarding the core argument, but I find that we are completely lazy in how we use political and economic terminology. Communism is an economic system of shared ownership and equal distribution. Communism has nothing whatsoever to do with this discussion. The groups you are citing are not "liberal " or "left' or "communist." These are neoliberal globalist organizations that use biomedical fascism and woke propaganda to forward the goals of their power- and profit-hungry owners, largely financed by Gates, WEF, and their ilk.
Nope. Communism, socialism and fascism are three sides of the same collectivist triangle. Fascism is merely socialism imposed via corporatocracy. The mere fact that the fascists are using corporations (which are businesses operated in collaboration with the state and which do not have personal financial responsibility) to pursue their communist agenda is just a side show.
I'm sorry that socialists might find the globalist corporatocracy an embarrassment to socialism. It is not. It is merely a tool by which your utopian collectivism can be achieved. Once achieved socialists can be assured that the slave class will "own nothing and be happy" and the elites who control the socialist/fascist/communist society - necessary to keep all the enslaved proletariat in check so they don't make any poorly-performing member look inferior, because that would undermine the whole dogma - will still be the controlling elite.
Of course I'm sure that you believe that you will be invited into the politburo, as an elite, but you won't. All that will happen is what has happened every single time a socialist/fascism/communist regime is implemented. The useful idiots who thought they were elite will be placed with the proletariat. And you will whine and whinge about how you were cheated on the way to your gulag. You weren't cheated. You created the monster and ignored the warnings, like this post.
FWIW It is notorious that the primary leader of iSAGE was Susan Michie (she was also a member of SAGE), and that she is a proper card-carrying communist (take a look at her Wikipedia article, or google her name and communist - there are even leaked documents proving her communist party membership). The key opinion leaders telling those, like the members of iSAGE, to vociferate for more totalitarian controls (harsh lockdowns, vaccine mandates and forced vaccination etc) were also members of the communist party or communist-directed groups. The ultimate theme of The Great Reset is communist socialist division and control of the global population.
And as for the left-wing hack Carole Cadwalldr who was apparently ghost-controlling iSAGE - even Ben Judah of the Atlantic described her as left-wing and living in a world of communist kitcsh. And while Cadwalldr wrote several articles attempting to distance herself from Michie - it was clear she was duplicitously feigning her disregard for Michie, because there is much evidence that Michie and Cadwalldr were working together to drive the iSAGE cult forward (https://thegrayzone.com/2022/11/21/journalist-intelligence-british-pandemic-policy/)
This is an absolutely excellent article. Well backed up, punchy and to the point, and clear as day.
For those wanting to know more of the reasons for the attack, or if you as a reader are not yet sure, please take the time to read through the 3 red pill threads I've collected over the past 2 years. https://twitter.com/Great_Briton_I/status/1593485646852591618
Slight corrections - my twitter handle is @drmattuk (I'm not the famous author who you've shown there). And I never "feigned fury" at imposition of vaccines but instead of imposition of the GP contract. Please do some fact checking yourself?
I have a problem with the claim that vaccines have helped those who were high risk. High-risk people typically have immunosenescence, which makes their risk high. With immunosenescence, how will the immune response be safe or effective?
I honestly think it possible that Dr Malhotra was making some concession to those of the 'other side' that have programmed much of the public to believe that the vaccines are doing things the data shows they simply are not doing - preventing transmission and infection. The work we did on my first VAERS cohort analysis (the 2021 cohort) demonstrated that it was more likely the vaccines were causing harm to the vulnerable and high risk elderly population. However, that is not an 'acceptable opinion' to hold based on the mainstream media narrative... and as such, anyone opining it even when the science shows them to be on solid ground can expect retributory attacks from the vaccine-as-a-religion crowd that includes those in iSAGE like the names I listed in the article. I (and others in our group, including Prof Fenton) was attacked by several of them, who used their footsoldiers (basically groupies on Twitter and other platforms) to create false reports to my employer and harass me in other ways. Their intention is to protect the fiefdoms they have created with their funders (Gates, Wellcome, The Pharma Cos and others) and to ensure that those of us doing science on the other side have our ability to work and draw an income compromised. They also seek to warn off others who might also consider undertaking such work or expressing such opinions. The damage done was significant even though, in the end, the claims made against me were eventually dismissed.
Dr. Malhotra should indicate uncertainty if he thinks that there is controversy about a subject, shouldn't he? Even if he is catering to the jab cultists?
I'm glad that Prof. Fenton is taking a scientific stand.
I agree. I wonder if Dr Aseem has assumed that. Dr Norman Fenton found no benefit at the time the vax was being rolled out to the elderly.
Great, timely and necessary article!
We also have a much worse problem coming in: the vax teaches people's immune systems to tolerate respiratory viruses, even while it is damaging their body.
no, it is not we that have a problem, it is they..
And I'm very sorry, but you're completely and totally wrong in your analysis. You lump socialism and communism with fascism in this weird gobbledygook that makes no sense. There is no communism. There never was and there never will be. It's a fantasy. What there is is a global woke fascist technocratic corporatocracy disguising itself as well-meaning liberalism. Only the most gullible sheep will believe it. We are lost. Anyway, good article, but a profound lack of understanding of the methods and ends of globalism.
Peter Openshaw is worthy of much attention.
I recall listening to his presentation in Dec 2020 to the Healthcare Infection Society (link below).
Back then to a rather niche but informed audience he brazenly accepts (among other matters) in respect of the jab:
* immune mediation enhancement is a possibility
* that the jab will not produce a strong mucosal immune response so the vaccinated will still transmit
* that the vaccine is about protecting the vulnerable but perhaps we should not worry about the under 50s at all
This was a very different message from that he promoted on the BBC. It has also been much closer to what eventuated.
You mean afterwards he sold out or became a coward?
Or he just spoke in a more tactical way when dealing with the useless lowly herd?
And by the way, CDC stats show that the age cutoff was much higher than 50. It also showed most covid mortality and morbidity was in fact already in the pipeline and cov2 was just the "cold virus" acting as a "last drop"
What is telling is that they show immediate fury and indignation for anything that goes against their beliefs, be it accurate or otherwise, but seem to have been strangely silent when clear misinformation goes in the other direction. Where were they when '95% effective' flooded the media everywhere.? It was a non peer-reviewed industry press release based on questionable numbers and a relative risk reduction assessment that inflated the benefit and as a result, the obscene profits. Not to mention the waning of effectiveness. That misinformation likely killed many as people got the shot and falsely believed that they had become a 'dead end' for the virus, only to be passing it on. I remember people sneezing and coughing at work believing that it couldn't be covid because of their vaccinations! And I know people who died as a result of this belief.
If only these scientists had shown the same dedication and critical thinking to questioning the initial studies, industry bias and the government's early assertions then we might be in a very different place.
And that's of course the point. The people that have reacted the strongest to this interview seem to be the people that have the most to lose if their previous actions are put in the spotlight. Their funders will throw them under the bus and they'll be left having to defend highly questionable decisions and opinions.
Exactly. But now it is finally starting to result in a strange perverted Streisand Effect. Some of the more alert people are paying less attention to the things the Fact Checkers don't rise up against... and MORE attention to the things they do expend effort on refuting.
The fact is, if the Fact Checkers are speaking out about it and telling you not to believe it, there MUST be some truths in it. And the more biased iSAGE communist-led scientists they throw at fighting us, the more we know we are right on target.
Still it's very hard to believe they believe they can still convince a large majority like that.
Yes there is always a small minority of die hards who will die for their religion. Like among the Nazi's but even under their leaders there was an Albert Speer who (at least acted as if he) recognized their crimes and their immorality.
And it must be psychologically hard for them. Are they truly just pathological liars? Or did they believe all those 95% and zero covid fairy tales themselves? Was it just a day job? Are they simply unable to face the truth and are suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance?
This article posted by Joel Smalley only a couple of hours ago explains why. While people will fall into group-think quite literally 'as a group', each has to overcome their own cognitive dissonance to break free of the conditioning... and each individual takes a different amount of time and has a different trigger threshold for what will overcome the narrative... https://metatron.substack.com/p/a-short-note-on-cognitive-dissonance
Still I think that the focus should be on the lack of benefits of this mass injections experiments, because the "gold standard" RCTs don't prove any useful let alone durable benefits.
In that case "Primum non nocere" applies.
Isn't that enough to stop coerced mass vaccination?
There's then no proven benefits-risks advantage. And certainly not for the whole targeted population.
Proving causality is always a matter of probability (and interpretation) while a lack of proof of useful/durable benefits is a fact if nobody can supply such proof.
By the way the difficulty in proving causality also applies to deaths attributed to covid-19 especially as few were supported by autopsies.
Probably most covid-19 deaths were deaths of old frail people with multiple underlying conditions and close to their deaths anyway. Probably a bad cold would have killed them too.
As would bacterial co-infections and other viruses as are claimed to have re-appeared now.
And there's another clear hypocrisy in the narrative to automatically accept "covid deaths" but refuse to admit "vaccine deaths".
Excellent article, albeit weakened by the claim, twice over, of a "communist-led" organization. To use words like "communist" (or "Marxist") to describe what are essentially social-democrat left-wingers suggests a writer who is biased himself (as he appears to be trying to spread right-wing memes), and who doesn't really know what he's talking about. Moreover, exaggerations like this do the main issue, of highlighting and unmasking all the false covid and vaccine claims, a disservice, because it really is not a right-left issue. May I suggest you read The Covid Consensus by Toby Green and Thomas Fanzi? It calls itself A critique from the left," and it is as scathing about the dogmatism and censorship as you are. If we want to stop this craziness, we need to stop thinking in left-right categories.
Before this so called Pandemic was announced to the world - I say it as 'announced' because that is exactly how it was. It was created, I was abroad at the time in Thailand - mid December 2019 & mid January 2020 where lots of people were already ill with high fever, sore throat & flu like symptoms. Locals informed me they had never felt so sick& could not shake it off.
These experimental gene therapy injections are harmful & poison. Time is showing this , everything in life is 'Time'
We did not hear about all this death before the injection roll out begun. It is a result of the injection roll out that we are hearing about death in our young. The more injections you inject your body with the more likely you are going to get sick - it is by design to cause harm & death. Extremely disturbing & worrying that certain people within communities think the Governments care about them, they don't. Governments are owned , they are all puppets.
Everything is fine here except your inaccurate and unfortunate evocation of the word "communist." There are no "communists" in the elite globalist woke-ass West, ok? We need to get our terms straight. You're very good at forwarding the core argument, but I find that we are completely lazy in how we use political and economic terminology. Communism is an economic system of shared ownership and equal distribution. Communism has nothing whatsoever to do with this discussion. The groups you are citing are not "liberal " or "left' or "communist." These are neoliberal globalist organizations that use biomedical fascism and woke propaganda to forward the goals of their power- and profit-hungry owners, largely financed by Gates, WEF, and their ilk.
Nope. Communism, socialism and fascism are three sides of the same collectivist triangle. Fascism is merely socialism imposed via corporatocracy. The mere fact that the fascists are using corporations (which are businesses operated in collaboration with the state and which do not have personal financial responsibility) to pursue their communist agenda is just a side show.
I'm sorry that socialists might find the globalist corporatocracy an embarrassment to socialism. It is not. It is merely a tool by which your utopian collectivism can be achieved. Once achieved socialists can be assured that the slave class will "own nothing and be happy" and the elites who control the socialist/fascist/communist society - necessary to keep all the enslaved proletariat in check so they don't make any poorly-performing member look inferior, because that would undermine the whole dogma - will still be the controlling elite.
Of course I'm sure that you believe that you will be invited into the politburo, as an elite, but you won't. All that will happen is what has happened every single time a socialist/fascism/communist regime is implemented. The useful idiots who thought they were elite will be placed with the proletariat. And you will whine and whinge about how you were cheated on the way to your gulag. You weren't cheated. You created the monster and ignored the warnings, like this post.
FWIW It is notorious that the primary leader of iSAGE was Susan Michie (she was also a member of SAGE), and that she is a proper card-carrying communist (take a look at her Wikipedia article, or google her name and communist - there are even leaked documents proving her communist party membership). The key opinion leaders telling those, like the members of iSAGE, to vociferate for more totalitarian controls (harsh lockdowns, vaccine mandates and forced vaccination etc) were also members of the communist party or communist-directed groups. The ultimate theme of The Great Reset is communist socialist division and control of the global population.
And as for the left-wing hack Carole Cadwalldr who was apparently ghost-controlling iSAGE - even Ben Judah of the Atlantic described her as left-wing and living in a world of communist kitcsh. And while Cadwalldr wrote several articles attempting to distance herself from Michie - it was clear she was duplicitously feigning her disregard for Michie, because there is much evidence that Michie and Cadwalldr were working together to drive the iSAGE cult forward (https://thegrayzone.com/2022/11/21/journalist-intelligence-british-pandemic-policy/)
Tick Tock…
The truth will out and it now will only be a matter of time.
Anecdotally, a great number of people are saying that hospitals have stopped recording mRNA vax status
This is an absolutely excellent article. Well backed up, punchy and to the point, and clear as day.
For those wanting to know more of the reasons for the attack, or if you as a reader are not yet sure, please take the time to read through the 3 red pill threads I've collected over the past 2 years. https://twitter.com/Great_Briton_I/status/1593485646852591618
The 'vaccines' have not helped anyone. Period.
If anything, they rushed the death of high-risk people..
Slight corrections - my twitter handle is @drmattuk (I'm not the famous author who you've shown there). And I never "feigned fury" at imposition of vaccines but instead of imposition of the GP contract. Please do some fact checking yourself?
Great article, but is there actually any evidence for these injections actually providing any benefit at all for anyone?