Well done for your contribution to the Letby case. Fingers crossed that it keeps moving in the right direction. Implications for the legal system, NHS and persecution witnesses could be profound, which is why this could go either way. Letby is a pawn.

Good on you for sharing the attack information. Lesser mortals don't know what can be done and it's interesting to hear a truthful first hand account.

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Thanks Ignasz.

I was in two minds as to whether to share. Some people might now see it as a challenge to try and do it to me again. I hope not. I think that we all should have more respect for each other but I am probably in a very small circle these days where that moralistic ideal is still considered or practiced. The shame is that when something like what has happened to Tommy Robinson or Lucy Letby happens to them, they will be begging people like me to look into and ask questions about it.

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The attack people, some random idiots or something more sinister? My bet is some random idiots.

You and Peter Elson and Sarrita Adams and Richard Gill and Norman Fenton have been the lead people with expertise who have PUBLICLY challenged the entire Lucy Letby arrest/prosecution/conviction. Your seriously hard work is now paying dividends, The Telegraph/Guardian, and now Channel 5, are turning "conspiracy theories" into the mainstream.

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I just think it was some idiot (to use your word) taking cheap shots. Some people who questioned the various mandates and rules during covid saw similar treatment from people who, on the basis of little more than what they read in the mainstream newspapers, sought to attack, name call and ridicule.

I think that as the mainstream are seeing that there really are questions, and as their editors or higher ups permit, they need to play catch-up and the easiest way to play catch up is look for those of us whohave been pointing out the issues for some time.

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I only hope this documentary is an honest attempt at revealing the truth and doesn't end up being part of a witch hunt against those who question false narratives.

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Hear hear

Your lips to god's ears.

I actually do think they are on the level. And so it seems does Norman. His radar on these things has been pretty good.

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Private Eye coming soon xx

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P. Eye ... really? After decades as the scourge of the establishment I'm afraid it's slowly become part of it.

The Eye's 'tame' Dr Phil Hammond ('MD') was taken in by the campaign against Dr. Andrew Wakefield which I now think was a well-funded pharma job to destroy one of its enemies. MD recommended people to 'take medical advice' in late 2020 or 2021, i.e. the medical advice that has raised the UK's death rate. By then I'd stopped listening to him or reading the Eye.

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I got it. P.38-39 The Lessons of the Lucy Letby Case

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They didn't let Lucy down!

Even David Icke is writing about her case now!

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Dr. Peter Hayes wrote it. very interesting. really people are clambering to write about Lucy's case now!

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You only have to scratch the surface to know something is very wrong with the whole case.

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We love you Scott, and really appreciate all the contributions and sacrifices you have made for this cause. The tables are turning. The thundering hooves of the advancing cavalry appearing on the horizon can now be heard xx

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Wow, what a tale of tribulation! But as for Lucy Letby, I have always said that after such a farcically weak trial, I still have no idea if she 'did it', or even if anything was actually done, either. There's a fair chance that she was simply the scapegoat for a catalogue of serious medical errors.

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Keir Starmer says he wants to pass an EMERGENCY LEGISLATION in order to CENSOR anti-vax campaigns because they "cost lives." This legislation will likely include anything that contradicts the narative. A government that issues such legislation might well do anything, including contracting a third party to prevent its narative to be challenged.

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They already did that. There were headlines in the newspapers about the fact that our government engaged the 77th Signals and Intelligence Brigade to spy on and scrub out anyone speaking up or asking questions about the covid narratives


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Thanks for the link to the New Yorker piece. I've copied the lot in case it's not accessible later

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Best of luck with exposing the obvious Letby MOJ, and "noli illegitimini carborundum."

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This is the light at the end of the tunnel. The trial was such a travesty of justice in so many ways the media will have a real field day once the official narrative is breached. What an insignificant entity the RSS must be if they don't know of and fail to reach out to Norman Fenton. David Davies is in favour of open justice where trial verdicts can be questioned, you seemed to imply the opposite.

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I have reworded how I had originally written it but self-edited when posting. It was more about the headline - that it appeared the Nursing Times journalist was actually not supportive of Letby even though she was quoting Davies who, even if ot supportive of Letby directly, was asserting that we should at least be able to talk about both sides of the argument. Thanks for pointing it out

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Bon courage, as they say in France, and fingers x'd. I do hope it doesn't turn into a hatchet job like those BBC conspiracy files programmes. The people taking part in those programmes should've known better, though.

Your plucky little server reminds me of that busted up droid in the Disney classic 'the Black Hole'. What a hero!

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Thanks you for your excellent work. Like you I have grave reservations about the verdicts given in the Letby case. Many GP's and all Paediatricians have NICU experience and many of us do not believe that Letby received a fair trial. The evidence was highly circumstantial and poorly presented.

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I've upgraded to paid and hope it helps in a small way. Thanks for all you do in standing up to injustice.

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Thank you. I appreciate your and everyone's contributions.

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The Daily Mail, "Former Cabinet Minister David Davis is to spearhead a Commons campaign raising questions about the conviction of nurse Lucy Letby as growing numbers of experts express concerns about the case.

The ex-Brexit Secretary plans to table a series of questions under Parliamentary privilege amid disquiet within the NHS and the legal profession about the case." It must always be stated that those who challenge the convictions do so on the basis that the guilty verdict was unsafe, and big time unsafe. It is highly likely that Lucy Letby is completely innocent but none of us know this.

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