I had high hopes of Spiegelhalter when he called out Richard Horton (Editor in Chief of Lancet, then and now) in a tweet on 20th May 2020 saying "Peer review has just disappeared from scientific analysis", to which Horton replied "This is utter nonsense. Our editors across 19 Lancet journals do nothing else but peer review. We intesively review all COVID-19 research papers. You know this David", on the same day.

However, just TWO DAYS later, Lancet published the utterly disgraced Surgisphere paper that attempted to destroy hydroxychloroquine's reputation in the treatment of covid-19, which turned out to be 100% FRAUD! All data in it was invented, with zero basis in fact or truth. Lancet had to retract the paper just TWELVE DAYS AFTER PUBLISHING IT! Had they done any peer review they would not have been caught with their pants down!

And all this after Richard Horton himself had gone on record, as long ago as 1995 (!) stating "The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies of small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness".

INDEED! He was right then, and went on to attempt to lead the world into even deeper darkness. SHAME ON RICHARD HORTON. SHAME ON THE LANCET AND SHAME ON DAVID SPIEGELHALTER FOR BENDING TO THE ENFORCERS. Stand up straight folks, like Professor Fenton (God love him) does. and face the foes together. They are paper tigers. They are little men pulling levers behind the curtain. Like the vampires that they are, they cannot stand the sunlight.

THANK YOU to the author of this article, to Andrew Bridges MP, the Professors Fenton and Neil and to all those who saw through the lies.

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Spiegenhalter destroyed any credibility he may have had by dismissing vitamin D in a one-liner, with a single reference, in his book Covid by Numbers.

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I saw many, many people with bad reactions as I work as a pharmacist in a big supermarket.The Drs we’re so busy with tik tok they sent them to us.Some were in a very bad way with feet covered in deep fissures and/or large , round swellings.Some had the body covered in large , red , round lesions that looked a bit like lupus.I saw eye reactions, some with severe malaise who were in bed and relatives came into ask for help.Two young men were working at the vaccine centre and got the same batch I think so they were bedridden and “looked green “, with bad headache, fever.None had the vaccine card with batch number so I could not submit yellow card.Not that MHRA looked at them anyway.

I would never touch these injections.Never gave any myself but if Speigelhalter would allow me to inject him I would love to be the administrator.In fact there are quite a few I would volunteer to do.

I am over 60 with autoimmune problems and wore No mask or hand gel used.Got a cold in August 2020, ignored it and better after 3 days.

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<i>the risk for the female contraceptive pill only applies to little more than half of that population (the females).</i>

You're being too generous there! If you exclude the pre-pubescent, the post menopausal, those using other forms of contraception and those wishing to conceive, the proportion is rather lower.

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A majority cannot be in denial forever. People suffered and died because early treatment was suppressed. There was no need for EUA vaccines, and indeed by any reasonable definition of 'vaccine' - something that will prevent illness and transmission - we don't have vaccines.

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Hello Law and Health,

Sorry to ask, I need some employment/labour legal advice after getting sacked for having provided informal health and safety guidelines on work mobile phones and given some websites in a private conversation that provided criticism of the unsafe c-19 'vaxxines'. I can't afford expensive solicitors charging hundreds of pounds/an hour. I don't qualify for legalaid and Citizens advice and having been a contractor makes my plight more pitiable despite having a strong case to be considered as an employee in the day to day working reality. Do you know of anyone? I've tried reaching out to a few of the academic bloggers of the uklabourlawblog but got no reply. Sigh, it seems there is no justice for those who got the sack and whose work careers have been destroyed for saying anything negative about these so called vaccines or for raising questions about them. Any suggestions?

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Has anyone begun the process of creating a simple "times they were right vs times they were wrong" report cards style reference for pundits on both sides of his argument. I think it would not only be interesting to have a public website where one could easily reference their specific track records, but also incredibly helpful to which ever side is shown to have the best retrospective scores.

I have the web infrastructure and skills on hand to present it, but would need help in working out the criteria for what constitutes a pundit and which side each one represents as well as in researching, judging, and tabulating the scores. I'm down if anyone is willing to help.

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I thought Brendan O'Neill could have defended Bridgen's position and O'Neill used to be in favour of mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers which I strongly disagreed with him about, however the show was not supposed to be about whether Bridgen was correct but whether he should have a right to say it. O'Neill positioned himself in the debate as a free speech absolutist and concentrated on that perspective.

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