1Lt o2 per min in a neonate

Wow no wonder the loss of sight

Projectile vomits and green watery stools then what seems to be no antibiotics for 24hrs but rather a number of very invasive procedures and still no prophylaxis antibiotics

It seems baby G may have improved not because of transport to another hospital but because of the commencement of triple therapy

Did the transport team order this do we know

And then all this in a sewage filled unit

How so very sad a situation for the mum and dad

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I had to go back twice to check that value... it seemed high. But it was definitely what was recorded and read out during the trial. That said, I found care protocols for neonates recommending 1Ltr per minute maximum for neonates via nasal prongs, and with 'greater than 1Ltr per minute in neonates' using a humidifier and nasal prongs. For example: https://www.rch.org.au/rchcpg/hospital_clinical_guideline_index/oxygen_delivery/. Depending on which of the flow meters they used, (and knowing that CoCH was having supply issues at the time and so might not have had the much more careful 0.1-1.0 flow rate meter) then on some of the 0.1-5.0 flow meters for example, the difference between having it at 1.0 or up to 0.2 or 0.3 either side can be easily missed.

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I'm really not happy with my daughter being a student nurse with investigations as poorly investigated as this case and as shoddily defended as this case...

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the repercussions of this incude that other nurses and midwives are not even getting due diligence - one was stood down, charged and had her practicing certificate cancelled and banned from practice at Birmingham hospital about 8 weeks ago. there certainly is starting to be a reticence in some nurses to avoid or not want to work in some of the more critical care areas like neonatology. This is sad, because without them these areas of clinical care will cease to exist or will be staffed by less well trained staff

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To me the answer is obvious, cameras everywhere. I mean who expects privacy in hospital? I would happily waive my privacy for the protection the camera would afford me as a patient.

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I am not sure more surveillance from the surveillance state is a response that all people would be comfortable with. In any event, it is something that those who do nefarious things simply find a way around (who was that person in the blue scrubs, blue gown, blue hat and mask and blue gloves? was it the nurse that was there before? the doctor? or is it maybe some rando off the street?). And what happens when people hallucinate that they 'saw' something? There are brilliant videos on youtube showing how (a) eye witnesses get things wrong all the time, and (b) that you can show the same footage to ten different people and get ten different descriptions of what they think they see... and can bias it simply by having, say, the prosecutor tell them what he thinks he sees. At that point more than half of the people watching the video will see what he sees even if it isn't there.

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Point taken, it is surprising how many people don't see the gorilla! Something needs to be done to protect both sides. I'm uncomfortable with having a bored nurse in the room as a chaperone, what a waste of a persons day. I'm equally fed up of consultants doing their consulting in a shared office, there is nothing more tedious than having neurologists boasting to each other how neat their stitching was when I had important questions to ask.

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there was a news article (I posted a link to it in another of my articles) that showed that a parent had raised money for the purchase of a webcam for the neonatal unit so that parents could look in on their special little ones when they were away from the unit. The strange thing was that there was no mention of this camera (that I have seen thus far) in any of the testimony or evidence of the trial. It would be interesting to know whether this camera was ever implemented and if so, whether it collected footage.

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That would be interesting. I heard they were rebuilding the unit, presumably they haven't routed the waste water above the babies this time, I heard there would be cameras as part of the rebuild.

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"However, during that first morning the doctors had decided to begin trialling Baby G off the CPAP for 1 hour, twice daily". This is the first of many things that seem to be done in a rush. Another painful read.

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Interesting article by Igor Chudov slightly off-topic. It seems that Covid-vaccinated mothers had more Covid and fewer healthy live babies, although not statistically significant. The “system” can collectively murder thousands but no-one is investigated, accused, tried or sent to prison.


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may I ask if you have the full transcript of the trial. If not where do you get such detailed information from please, so that the information you are giving us is seen to be accurate. I am completely with anyone who feels that this trial was an utter travesty and about to type up questions and answers. If I am able I would very much like to quote some of your information. I am a retired midwife and feel so strongly this is so wrong. I was disciplined after reporting poor care, shortages of staff etc etc etc. and not surprisingly they started to look at my practice as a midwife. But it was years ago.

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Thank you Scott for another deep dive into the facts and evidence here. It looks like its standard practice to give premature babies the full schedule of immunisations. I'm wondering if there's any studies around this? When they're so tiny and fragile anyway, it makes me fearful to consider this, when many healthy babies have reactions that make them quite unwell.

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Oct 11, 2023
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Correct. I am reviewing his testimony of Baby G at the moment. He does seem to... embelish? overreach? see zebras in a field full of horses?

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