People seem to be so easily triggered these days. And just writing this first sentence will trigger them even further. From my perspective, I’m so thankful for your insights and writings on Lucy’s case because I truly see that a huge injustice has occurred in her case and it is a tragedy for her and her family - and justice itself. I just want to thank you for all you do.

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Thank you. That means everything.

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I know nothing about the British Judicial System. Is there another venue for Lucy ? I know one more process is coming, accusing her of murdering yet another baby. Is there any chance of creating a ruckus about the evidence and thus making more people aware ?

Is there another, better, lawyer willing to take her case ? Can we find experts willing & able to tell the real story about what happened in that NICU ward ?

Please also read:


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I was a bit surprised about your opening too. But I read on.

Like many here I feel sad and upset.

And why oh why did Lucy Letby have such incompetent representation?!

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I can only say that it becomes easy to get in a mindset. I had said in an article on here I thought that appealing with the trial counsel was an error and at best would only consume her right to appeal. and I've had people asking me for more than two weeks what I thought the judgement would be. It was one of the rare times that I really didn't want to be, and hate that I was, right. I ddn't want to say "I told you so" and after I wrote it, I realised that was exactly what I was saying. I think I was trying to take the sting out of my own emotional response.

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Lucy's appeal should have been on the basis of incompetent legal representatives. Unfortunately, victims seem to be happy at this incompetent representation- a bit like Stockholm Syndrome - and that's why she didn't sack them off after the first trial. If anyone knows a crowdfunder for her please post the link .

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Maybe she/her parents could not afford better ? Or is defense in a criminal case paid for by the State in the UK ?

Apparently a scientist in the US intended to start funding for Lucy. No idea whet happened to it.


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The prosecution or rather persecution of Lucy Letby shows how the corrupt legal system in the UK can be manipulated by doctors and their NHS employers to deflect blame away from themselves and avoid medical negligence and corporate manslaughter charges.

It also shines a light on the appalling quality of so called expert evidence and the 'Experts' who fraudulently sell their wares.

There is a growing body of outrage amongst neonatologists, paediatricians, statisticians and other professionals who are intent on tearing down the results of the fraudulent trial that placed her in prison. The totally inexplicable refusal of the Court of Appeal to allow a retrial will not be the last word.

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I find it rather incredible that one of the biggest and most sensational and complex serial killer trials of the century was handled in a provincial court by low-level science and utterly mediocre counsel.

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I thought the Appeal decision was being delayed until after the Baby K? case. Surely, to give the decision now must influence the jury and therefore result in an unfair trial, or is that the intention?

If we look at the Infected Blood Inquiry, the Post Office Inquiry, the Covid Inquiry they have all been caused by undue protection of the system over the individual. Precisely what has happened in the LL case IMO and in particular with the Appeal decision.

NB extract from NHS Cheshire & Merseyside Integrated Care Board Public meeting papers 28 March 2024.

'Countess of Chester has received its latest ( CQC - the regulator) report 21 February 2024 following the reinspection of maternity and the Trust as a whole. Maternity services have improved but are still rated ‘Requires Improvement’. The Trust remains on the Maternity Services Support Programme.  '

ref page 2 cm-icb-board-meeting-public-280324-meeting-packv1.pdf (cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk)

It is public knowledge that the ICB are motivated and taking the matter very seriously, so expect a robust defence of the NHS' actions or more correctly lack of actions and more staff to be thrown to the lions for the good of the system.

LL is taking the hit for the crap Maternity Unit.

Why in God's name was it 'promoted' to a neo-natal unit from a Special Bay Care Unit - someone in the NHS needs to take the hit for that, was it local medical arrogance or a regional decision to maintain services that wasn't properly funded and managed ? Will the Thirlmere Inquiry answer ?

Police were looking at LL's previous employment at Liverpool Womens' Hosp. not heard they found anything, so I assume they haven't or else they would be shouting from the roof tops.

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Media/social media/radio&tv have for years painted Lucy Letby as an evil serial child murderer, a killer of beautiful, innocent, babies.

Having been a journalist once, I shudder when I see the mix of opinion and facts that is now apparently regarded normal journalism. In "my time" the two were separate. News was news, opinion was opinion. Also, I see all over a lack of knowledge, a lack of curiosity. The same text is repeated over and over.

So how could there be an impartial jury ? Lucy was already condemned in the media and the judge & the jury simply affirmed it.

Could it also be that there is so much anger and dissatisfaction in UK society at the moment, that it was decided - at some level - to just allow the herd to have their prey ?

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Antoinette, I agree with you so far as dissatisfaction in UK society - but 'give the herd their prey' I disagree, really don't think there is the competence to do that.

My view, press saw a good story and used it with as you say a mix of opinion and fact - the Police, CPS, Judge and jury are not going to go against so much generated public outcry hence we have guilty verdict. Don't forget the jury and the judge has to live in the community, safer to follow the outcry line. As I have said before the Police's role will make careers, why else have the Police video?

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I agree wholeheartedly with your view as expressed in the second alinea.

However I cannot believe that people in government have not seen this case develop. Sitting on your hands as the herd starts to stampede, is a choice.

Edit: it is a hard fact that death, despair, makes for good copy. No daily newspaper can exist by publishing "good news". A murderer is a good story, in some countries one can even get a prize for reporting on them. A mass murderer or a serial killer is even better because it allows for the story to continue. Now imagine having a serial baby killer. It does not get better than that !

Maybe some journalists had doubts. But they were probably told to can it. These are hard times for printed media, even if they also have an on-line component. They need this misery, because, as said, that is what sells.

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I’ve just shed another tear for Lucy. Is there anything we can do?

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And, above all else, why is our criminal JUSTICE system not a criminal JUSTICE system. Why is it a criminal PROSECUTION/CONVICTION system. The police, CPS, and all the power of the state, are vested in conviction of alleged offenders.

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Thanks for writing - found you through Norman Fenton. Is there a single bit of hard evidence against Lucy? The whole things looks like gossip, hearsay, victimization and bullying to me. If contempt of court is a crime then I, for one, must certainly be guilty as this court appears to deserve nothing but contempt. Are they such dullards they do not understand what the presumption of innocence or the necessity of proof is? Poor Lucy.

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Robert Stevens well thanks for liking my comment. The next few days but preferably next week when the election is over should see reporting restrictions coming off unless the police/CPS pull another stunt. As soon as the reigns are set loose there is going to be a storm of protest about this. The truth is that no nurse in this country is now safe to go to work and this has to stop. The parallels with the Post Office scandal are striking with crumbling management seeking to blame and prosecute those further down the chain to hide their own inadequacy and malfeasance. We are now looking at the Thirwell inquiry having a brief to look into something that did not happen, sure the babies died no doubt about that but they need to look at the right people. Meanwhile Lucy this victim of this witch trial remains in prison. Seems we are back to Salem in 1692.....how history repeats itself!

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Has anyone else observed that the Letby case resembles in many regards the panic in the 80ies (last century) when all of a sudden so much abuse in day-care centers was reported. Children were "helped to remember" by role-playing with dolls, and techniques to retrieve repressed memories were used. Children described satanic rituals, abusive clowns, and whole lot more.

In one center unbelievable things happened to the children in the cellar. It took a while before someone said: "but that building does not have a cellar !"

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Just so.

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deletedMay 24·edited May 24
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The problem with this is that I used to be friends with a couple in Australia who were both psychologists for one of the State police forces. They ended up quitting their jobs because they realised that whenever they identified that a cadet had a punishment fixation or was likely to react agressively, those candidates were expedited through training, leading that State to have a "Shoot first, Ask questions later" mentality. I wouldn't mind betting that evaluating law students who want to go into criminal prosecution the same way would likely end up starting out with the best of intentions but become corrupted in much the same way.

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Totally agree with you about psychological screening. Except it doesn't work for cops does it? Or rather it does, because they screen out the decent people and recruit the bad guys.

Same goes for other important professions - like the intelligence services and politics.

There should be a lot more psych screening. But it has to be done by the good guys.

Just as psychology should be on the education curriculum.

A properly educated jury would've thrown out the case against Lucy in less than an hour's deliberation.

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