Good article. You say multiple times that if this is done for the government some bad actor might get at the (once thought encrypted) data through the backdoor. I think most of us believe that the WORST actor IS the government. They are #1 on my list of people I wish to NOT have my private data because they will NEVER use it for me and ALWAYS use it against me -- there is nothing they can do for me and lots they can do against me. So it is the front door of the back door that worries me the most.

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Abso-freaking-lutely agree. 100%

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"So it is the front door of the back door that worries me the most". What a brilliant way to put it.

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Edward Snowden has long recommended Qubes. I think it's taken as a given that, for serious security, all smartphones are a lost cause. The really paranoid worry about backdoors at the hardware level in the management modules of more recent generations of Intel chips. The German Chaos Computer Club has good content on this.

Problem-reaction-solution IS becoming an extremely useful heuristic, although I feel it's stretching the term to call it Hegelian, except in the loose metaphorical sense. It would have been unknown even to Marx. Trotsky or Lenin might have intuited something like it though ("the worse the better.") The big question is, what does planned reaction (i.e. controlled opposition or anticipated crisis) look like. Trump, or Reform, or AfD? That would be a dispiriting thought for a great many.

The well known Substacker Eugyppius believes the WEF is "a glorified conference circuit" with no real power. I think you are closer to the mark. They are more like a Matroshka Doll with the Davos event as the outer layer providing plausible deniability for their schemes as "floated ideas" (often floated by house intellectuals like Noah Yuval Harari et al. in apparently "speculative terms.")

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Trump, Reform, AND AfD. They all masquerade as anti-establishment but the truth is they are the establishment (this is why, for example, Farage gets such disproportionate airtime - if he was a threat to the establishment they would simply deny him publicity). They are all overtly far-right, which is where the establishment obviously wish to go - this is the overtly 1984 scenario. As opposed to the Brave New World version, in which you will have no political or social power 'but you'll be happy'.

As such, it may well be that the Dav(r)os crowd, by being so open, are a kind of misdirection, seeing as they present as leaning more on the BNW side of the totalitarian coin.

People do need to beware these 'right-wing populists' pretending to be anti-establishment. They are luring more and more people in, and it is very clear, certainly in Britain (and Europe) that the establishment themselves are deliberately being shit governments in order to push people that way. Especially now they have effectively destroyed any hope of decent socialism. Equally so, they have convinced the vast majority of people that 'socialism' is a bad thing, by bombarding them with fake far-right definitions of the word 'socialism' (with the help of some cognitive infiltrators in the 'left', for sure). Most people, if they ever did, no longer understand what is meant by socialism.

Either way - it's really not looking good! Which sort of goes without saying. I feel very fortunate to live in a semblance of rural isolation and becoming increasingly self-sufficient. I think there is something catastrophic on the way, and it's been planned.

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Yup. As Henry Ford offered the Model T in any colour as long as it was black, we have populist politics in any stripe so long as it's neoliberal.

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People who really want security because they do bad things will always find an alternative route to communicate. These plans of the government are just to use AI to trawl through the data of honest people to sort out those who are opposed to government plans and actions, to find thought crime that has no legal status.

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On the other paw, there is the old adage in the spy game that if you know you are being monitored, then you are in control of the flow of information - or, as the case may be, misinformation.

So, bombard the bastards' algorithms with conflicting shit and start fucking with them for a change.

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