Theory 0. What virus, or any virus for that matter?
Virology "isolation" is: allegedly infected (often different lifeform) cells, then poisoning with numerous toxins to deliberately kill and break them open, further mixing/breaking this soup via centrifuging, cherry-picking of some random cellar matter in a centrifuged layer as a "viral" particle, then using a fantasy computer model to _fabricate_ DNA from numerous random fragments of DNA, possibly from numerous lifeform DNA [1], into alleged "viral" DNA. Oh, and no parallel processing for uninfected control-group cells, as a self-check. This is clearly not isolation, because there is a ridiculous amount of variable pollution, no real isolation, fantasy DNA fabrication, and no self-checking.
Any discussion about viral strains, testing, whatever, is a pointless waste of time and effort, if "viruses" are merely an artefact/phantom of fake isolation by fraudulent "science". Also, "viruses" seem a quite bizarre and self-destructive zombie parasite to me:
How can something exist which can somehow enter cells, and trigger cancer-like replication to occur, with normal respiration, without apoptosis being triggered?
How can so many different alleged types of "viruses" exist?
How is "viral" jumping between species supposed to occur, when "viruses" can't replicate except inside origin species cells?
Why are wrong species cells often used to grow "viruses" which supposedly only infect other specific species?
FWIW, mortality per virus dropped by nearly tenfold before the arrival of the vaccine, at least in Massachusetts. Medical practice there was determined by the likes of Harvard Medical School which has many affiliated local hospitals, and would have been considered state of the art.
The mortality reduction can be seen from comparing death counts to wastewater RNA measurements (links below).
Compared to the initial reduction from early to late 2020, the transition to omicron was a much smaller change, perhaps a halving. So I wouldn't go for the white hat omicron theory.
I have no particular insight into virus origin, but a lot of the deaths seem to have been due to mismanagement. It would be unsurprising if *all* of the reduction in lethality (30x) since Spring 2020 came from less bad medical practice. I distinctly remember everyone yelling for more ventilators, which were also used in a misguided attempt to keep infections contained, before the story changed to ventilators killing patients.
1. There is no evidence for Theory 1 being the main explanation of the phenomena we've observed in the past 3+ years.
2. Theory 2 is probably right, but I agree spending too much time focusing on it makes as much sense as what Brandon said yesterday, "My focus is to stay focused."
3. There is clear evidence Theory 3 is not the main explanation.
4. Theory 4 is more like an approach, albeit a quite reasonable one: look at the big picture, look at things from multiple angles, see both the forest and the trees.
Australia has been testing drinking water and wastewater for Coronavirus for decades. Therefore when the first sick man arrived in Melbourne from Wuhan, a sensible PCR primer set was used in conjunction with Transmission Electron Microscopy to prove that Covid19 was indeed a new Coronavirus.
We shouldn't forget that the 'sensible PCR primer' also led to goats, pieces of fruit and even juice boxes at schools in the UK 'testing positive' for Sars-CoV-2 :-). I seem to recall at one point several sites even confirmed that unused swabs tested positive.
Suggest you read actual science rather than fantasy. The published primer used in Melbourne in January 2020 was run through BLAST by my friend Arkmedic and it matched only one sequence in the international registry - Coronavirus.
I literally talk to Arkmedic on an almost hourly basis some days... clever chap and all. The fact remains that I have seen the documentation for the first PCR tests 'approved' in Aus... they were built on a Hepatitis Coronavirus strain
It also doesn't really knock out JJ Couey's theory... that they created some modified coronavirus in the lab, released it and a set of tests to track for it, and that as that virus waned in the real world the genes we tested for got 'dropped' such that by now we aren't really testing for covid-19 any more
According to what I understand of the biology, man-made viruses are, by definition, synthetic clones because they simply cannot culture coronaviruses in a laboratory setting. They must ligate certain viral sequences together and manufacture circular DNA (more stable) which can then be replicated with the addition of a polymerase. In this controlled lab setting, the concentration and purity would be high but if the synthetic clone were to leave the lab setting (through infection or release) it would readily replicate and mix with endemic, wild coronaviruses, gradually becoming diluted over time and distance due to rampant RNA replication errors.
I think the overall point that Couey makes is that the clone is only significantly more dangerous (than wild types) locally before it inevitably disperses, then after that it is no more dangerous than the widely circulating wild coronaviruses (which still do, in fact, infect and kill people every year).
Coronaviruses are readily cultured by providing them with suitable host cells.
Melbourne researchers were the first outside of China to successfully culture and export Covid19 as reference material all around the world. Pfizer is funding synthetic viruses using Plasmid technology developed in the US virus Weaponization Program.
Given the biological instability of wild coronaviruses (at least their non-functionally constrained proteins), how exactly does this synthetic "culturing" mimic natural viral dynamics? What a man-made virus does in the lab is one thing. How that thing does once in the wild is another story entirely. That is the real dilemma. What is primarily proposed as fact is that they are one and the same. But do we know that for sure?
"Culturing newly identified human lung pathogens from clinical sample isolates can represent a daunting task, with problems ranging from low levels of pathogens to the presence of growth suppressive factors in the specimens, compounded by the lack of a suitable tissue culture system. However, it is critical to develop suitable in vitro platforms to isolate and characterize the replication kinetics and pathogenesis of recently identified human pathogens." - Ralph Baric 2010, Journal of Virology
Coronavirus culture has moved on since that Baric comment using a number of human host cell types. It is routine in thousands of labs worldwide. You can order your own supply of live virus online from a choice of vendors, providing you have clearance to receive the shipment.
Well I love Buffy, I recently watched all 7 series again for about the 4th time, and had a lovely dream about Anthony Head once.
There is of course no evidence for a virus nor a new disease. Wuhan is one of the most heavily polluted areas in the world and millions die from air pollution and Northern Italy isn't looking too good either.
The deaths in the Uk in spring 2020, with median age 83 after years of low deaths, were caused by loneliness, midazolam and deliberate dehydration. Murders in other words
Someone just pointed out to me that after linking to the song from Buffy in which Anya again expresses her irrational fear of 'bunnies'...
I then in the next para go on to talk about going down 'the rabbit hole'...
OMG... hahahha
Theory 0. What virus, or any virus for that matter?
Virology "isolation" is: allegedly infected (often different lifeform) cells, then poisoning with numerous toxins to deliberately kill and break them open, further mixing/breaking this soup via centrifuging, cherry-picking of some random cellar matter in a centrifuged layer as a "viral" particle, then using a fantasy computer model to _fabricate_ DNA from numerous random fragments of DNA, possibly from numerous lifeform DNA [1], into alleged "viral" DNA. Oh, and no parallel processing for uninfected control-group cells, as a self-check. This is clearly not isolation, because there is a ridiculous amount of variable pollution, no real isolation, fantasy DNA fabrication, and no self-checking.
Any discussion about viral strains, testing, whatever, is a pointless waste of time and effort, if "viruses" are merely an artefact/phantom of fake isolation by fraudulent "science". Also, "viruses" seem a quite bizarre and self-destructive zombie parasite to me:
How can something exist which can somehow enter cells, and trigger cancer-like replication to occur, with normal respiration, without apoptosis being triggered?
How can so many different alleged types of "viruses" exist?
How is "viral" jumping between species supposed to occur, when "viruses" can't replicate except inside origin species cells?
Why are wrong species cells often used to grow "viruses" which supposedly only infect other specific species?
Must read:
Thanks, more anti-virus links to bookmark, but may be TLDR for many people.
My tuppence worth:
FWIW, mortality per virus dropped by nearly tenfold before the arrival of the vaccine, at least in Massachusetts. Medical practice there was determined by the likes of Harvard Medical School which has many affiliated local hospitals, and would have been considered state of the art.
The mortality reduction can be seen from comparing death counts to wastewater RNA measurements (links below).
Compared to the initial reduction from early to late 2020, the transition to omicron was a much smaller change, perhaps a halving. So I wouldn't go for the white hat omicron theory.
I have no particular insight into virus origin, but a lot of the deaths seem to have been due to mismanagement. It would be unsurprising if *all* of the reduction in lethality (30x) since Spring 2020 came from less bad medical practice. I distinctly remember everyone yelling for more ventilators, which were also used in a misguided attempt to keep infections contained, before the story changed to ventilators killing patients.
If the history of covid ever gets written, I expect panic among medical professionals to dominate.
From my perspective:
1. There is no evidence for Theory 1 being the main explanation of the phenomena we've observed in the past 3+ years.
2. Theory 2 is probably right, but I agree spending too much time focusing on it makes as much sense as what Brandon said yesterday, "My focus is to stay focused."
3. There is clear evidence Theory 3 is not the main explanation.
4. Theory 4 is more like an approach, albeit a quite reasonable one: look at the big picture, look at things from multiple angles, see both the forest and the trees.
Australia has been testing drinking water and wastewater for Coronavirus for decades. Therefore when the first sick man arrived in Melbourne from Wuhan, a sensible PCR primer set was used in conjunction with Transmission Electron Microscopy to prove that Covid19 was indeed a new Coronavirus.
We shouldn't forget that the 'sensible PCR primer' also led to goats, pieces of fruit and even juice boxes at schools in the UK 'testing positive' for Sars-CoV-2 :-). I seem to recall at one point several sites even confirmed that unused swabs tested positive.
Suggest you read actual science rather than fantasy. The published primer used in Melbourne in January 2020 was run through BLAST by my friend Arkmedic and it matched only one sequence in the international registry - Coronavirus.
I literally talk to Arkmedic on an almost hourly basis some days... clever chap and all. The fact remains that I have seen the documentation for the first PCR tests 'approved' in Aus... they were built on a Hepatitis Coronavirus strain
It also doesn't really knock out JJ Couey's theory... that they created some modified coronavirus in the lab, released it and a set of tests to track for it, and that as that virus waned in the real world the genes we tested for got 'dropped' such that by now we aren't really testing for covid-19 any more
What about Jonathan Couey's "synthetic clone" hypothesis? It's a little "out there", but it fits really well.
According to what I understand of the biology, man-made viruses are, by definition, synthetic clones because they simply cannot culture coronaviruses in a laboratory setting. They must ligate certain viral sequences together and manufacture circular DNA (more stable) which can then be replicated with the addition of a polymerase. In this controlled lab setting, the concentration and purity would be high but if the synthetic clone were to leave the lab setting (through infection or release) it would readily replicate and mix with endemic, wild coronaviruses, gradually becoming diluted over time and distance due to rampant RNA replication errors.
I think the overall point that Couey makes is that the clone is only significantly more dangerous (than wild types) locally before it inevitably disperses, then after that it is no more dangerous than the widely circulating wild coronaviruses (which still do, in fact, infect and kill people every year).
Coronaviruses are readily cultured by providing them with suitable host cells.
Melbourne researchers were the first outside of China to successfully culture and export Covid19 as reference material all around the world. Pfizer is funding synthetic viruses using Plasmid technology developed in the US virus Weaponization Program.
The development is traced back to 2000 here:
Given the biological instability of wild coronaviruses (at least their non-functionally constrained proteins), how exactly does this synthetic "culturing" mimic natural viral dynamics? What a man-made virus does in the lab is one thing. How that thing does once in the wild is another story entirely. That is the real dilemma. What is primarily proposed as fact is that they are one and the same. But do we know that for sure?
"Culturing newly identified human lung pathogens from clinical sample isolates can represent a daunting task, with problems ranging from low levels of pathogens to the presence of growth suppressive factors in the specimens, compounded by the lack of a suitable tissue culture system. However, it is critical to develop suitable in vitro platforms to isolate and characterize the replication kinetics and pathogenesis of recently identified human pathogens." - Ralph Baric 2010, Journal of Virology
Coronavirus culture has moved on since that Baric comment using a number of human host cell types. It is routine in thousands of labs worldwide. You can order your own supply of live virus online from a choice of vendors, providing you have clearance to receive the shipment.
Emma Caulfield is also awesome
Well I love Buffy, I recently watched all 7 series again for about the 4th time, and had a lovely dream about Anthony Head once.
There is of course no evidence for a virus nor a new disease. Wuhan is one of the most heavily polluted areas in the world and millions die from air pollution and Northern Italy isn't looking too good either.
The deaths in the Uk in spring 2020, with median age 83 after years of low deaths, were caused by loneliness, midazolam and deliberate dehydration. Murders in other words